Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio-Sri Aurobindo Society

Devabhasha: A Language of Divine Origin

“… the vital question is how we are to learn and make use of Sanskrit and the indigenous languages so as to get to the heart and intimate sense of our own culture and establish a vivid continuity between the still living power of our past and the yet uncreated power of our future, and how we are to learn and use English or any other foreign tongue so as to know helpfully the life, ideas and culture of other countries and establish our right relations with the world around us. This is the aim and principle of a true national education, not, certainly, to ignore modern truth and knowledge, but to take our foundation on our own being, our own mind, our own spirit.”

Sri Aurobindo (CWSA, Vol. 1, p. 421)

Sanskrit is the language in which India’s soul is reflected and expressed. Sanskrit as a language is fully conscious of itself, it can also be a means to become more conscious of our experiences, feelings, and thoughts. We cannot claim to study India without spending some time on exploring and studying one of India’s most significant contributions to humanity –Sanskrit language. We focus on developing a sound appreciation of some key aspects of Sanskrit, considered as the source of many other languages of the world. Sri Aurobindo has given emphasis on the greatness of Sanskrit “Sanskrit, by a peculiar fidelity to its origins, presents us with a true primary form of speech, in which the vocabulary indeed is late,-a new structure of word flesh & tissue,-but the base of the structure is primitive, reveals the roots of its being and betrays the principles of its formation.” (CWSA, Vol. 14, p. 524)

For the promotion of Sanskrit, including research, publication and dissemination activities we have started the initiative ‘Devabhasha: A Language of Divine Origin.’ Under this project, Sanskrit Intensive Course for the Beginners ‘Spandanam: Feeling the Pulsation of a Divine Language’ has been started. The aim of this intensive course is to introduce Sanskrit to those who are genuinely interested in learning this language, both in its spoken and written forms. The objective is to bring the participants in contact with many beautiful aspects of this language in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Here one can learn not only how to communicate through simple Sanskrit, but also its phonetic system, the basics of its grammar, the chandas, stories and dialogues, chanting and singing in this most beautiful language. The course is open to all age groups.

Forthcoming Program:

Devabhasha: A Language of Divine Origin

Spandanam: Feeling the Pulsation of a Divine Language (Sanskrit Intensive Course for the Beginners), 22-25 January, 2024

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