Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio-Sri Aurobindo Society

Sanskrit, “the language of the gods,” is the language in which India’s soul is reflected. Sanskrit as a language is fully conscious of itself and its importance extends beyond being just a language. Sanskrit embodies a wealth of knowledge and wisdom across various disciplines. We cannot claim to study India without spending some time exploring and studying one of India’s most significant contribut Read More….

देवीसिद्धिदात्रि ।
सिद्धगन्धर्वयक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि ।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी ॥

From the Siddhas, Gandarvas, Yakshas, Adhyas, Asuras, and Amaras(Suras)
Who is served by these all always, Please bestow me those Siddhis with your mercy, the giver of Siddhis – Goddess Siddhidathri (I bow to you).

Source: Vocal and music by Dr P.V. Bose.

देवीमहागौरी ।

श्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः ।

महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवप्रमोददा ॥

The one with white complexion, riding on a bull, wearing white coloured garments, the pure one Goddess Mahagauri, please bestow me the auspiciousness by your blessings, the one who delights the Mahadeva -God Shiva (I bow to you).

Source: Vocal and music by Dr P.V. Bose.

देवीकालरात्रि ।
एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्ना खरास्थिता ।
लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्तशरीरिणी ॥
वामपादोल्लसल्लोहलताकण्टकभूषणा ।
वर्धन्मूर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी ॥

Source: Vocal and music by Dr P.V. Bose.

देवीकात्यायनी ।
चन्द्रहासोज्ज्वलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना ।
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्यादेवी दानवघातिनी ॥

Holding the shining Chandrahasa sword in her hands, the one who rides on a Lion as her vahana.
O Goddess Katyayani, Devi, please bring the auspiciousness, the slayer od Danavas.

Source: Vocal and music by Dr P.V. Bose.


Sanskrit is the language in which India’s soul is reflected and expressed. Sanskrit as a language is fully conscious of itself, it can also be a means to become more conscious of our experiences, feelings and thoughts. We cannot claim to study India without spending some time on exploring and studying one of India’s most significant contributions to the humanity –Sanskrit language. We focus on developing a sound appreciation of some key aspects of Sanskrit, considered as the source of many other languages of the world.


  • समानो मन्त्रः समितिः समानी
    (Rigveda 10,191,3)
    Common Mantra have all these, a common gathering to union.

    ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । (Ishopanishad, 1)
    All this is for habitation1 by the Lord, whatsoever is individual universe of movement in the universal motion.

    अहं ब्रह्मास्मि ।
    (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10)
    I am Brahman.

    (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7)
    That Thou Art.

    समत्वं योग उच्यते ।
    (Srimadbhagavadgita, 2/48)
    Equanimity is called Yoga.

    अजो नित्य: शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो ।
    (Srimadbhagavadgita, 2/20)
    The soul is without birth, eternal, immortal, and ageless.

    उत्तिष्ठत, जाग्रत, प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत ।
    (Kathopanishad, 1.3.14)
    Arise, awake, find out the great ones and learn of them;
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