Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio-Sri Aurobindo Society

Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio

Nilachala Nivasaya Nityaya….

Jagannath Mantra is considered the Mool Mantra dedicated to Lord Jagannath. On 24th November, the stone laying ceremony began to build a replica of the sacred temple of Puri in Puducherry by Pondicherry Utkal Samaj. Listen to the chanting of this mantra by Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, founder,Know Your Rhythm for this sacred occasion.

Source: Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Puducherry.

Sundararupam Chidatmakam….

Sri Aurobindo, the visionary, yogi and seer has given advanced world vision leads to spiritual path or Sadhana. He has emphasized on the divinity that would hasten the descent of the Divine into earthly life and transform it into a Divine Life. Listen to the glory of Sri Aurobindo through the musical offering ‘Prarthana.’

Source:Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry.

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