Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio-Sri Aurobindo Society

Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio

Tava Mukhakamalam

The Divine Mother is the sacred creative vibration that manifests all the creations. The Divine Mother is formless. In Sanatana Dharma, the glory of the Mother is considered assacred and a revered subject. Listen to the glory of the Divine Mother ‘Tava Mukhakamalam’ through the series ‘Prarthana- A Music offering to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.’

Source: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry.

The Wonder that is Sanskrit

The Wonder that is Sanskrit contains two CDs: Devabhasha and Ashtavadhanam. They present the wonders of Sanskrit to even those who have had no previous contact with the language. Presented in an easy and fluid manner, here are interesting aspects of the Sanskrit language and highlights of the great creative genius of the Indian culture.

Source: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry.

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