Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio-Sri Aurobindo Society

International Sanskrit Study & Research Circle

It is of the utmost value to a nation, a human group-soul, to preserve its language and to make of it a strong and living cultural instrument. A nation, race or people which loses it language, cannot live its whole life or its real life.

– Sri Aurobindo

Sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of literature defining scientific, technical, philosophical and dharma texts. Sanskrit is one of the most ancient languages and perfect among the great languages in the world. Sanskrit is being taught in many universities and academic institutions around the world. AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society works closely with academic institutions for the promotion of Sanskrit.

International Sanskrit Study & Research Circle: Objective of this study circle is to disseminate the works of Sri Aurobindo on Sanskrit and associated knowledge systems and to encourage inter-disciplinary research in different aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy. It also focuses on creating a forum for the study, research, publication, and outreach programs in the area of Sanskrit and associated knowledge systems.

Under this series, we organized the first program on the theme Sri Aurobindo on Sanskrit Language & Literary Heritage by AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society, 25-27 September, 2023. Objective of this program was to discuss about the contribution of Sri Aurobindo in interpreting the Sanskrit heritage, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Epic literature and Classical Sanskrit Literature. This also focused on the rich and scientific literary heritage of Sanskrit and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and its relevance to contemporary society.

Forthcoming programs:

Workshop on Textual Tradition, Manuscriptology & Palaeography on 3rd February, 2024. The objective of the workshop is to discuss significant aspects of Sanskrit language including the textual traditions. This will also focus on Manuscriptology and Palaeography, including the origin and development of scripts, history of manuscripts, cataloging and preservation of manuscripts.

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