Urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham ……
ऊर्ध्वमूलमधःशाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम्।
छन्दांसि यस्य पर्णानि यस्तं वेद स वेदवित्।। Gita15.1।।
What about the Vedas? In the Srimadbhagavadgita Lord Krishna says ‘They (wise) speak of the indestructible Ashwattha tree as having its roots above and branches below, whose leaves are the Vedas; he who knows it, is alone a Veda-knower.’
Source: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry.

Devavani Aurobharati Sanskrit Radio
Urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham ……